This is my

My name is Jhon Gonzales Janampa.I was born on november 26th, 1997. I am 17 years old. I am single. I am from Ayacucho. I live in Lima Now. I have two sister: Rossmery and Jhoselyn. Rossmery is 21 years old. She is estudying at San Marcos. Jhoselyn is 14 years old. She estudies at school. My mother name is Nicolasa. She is housewife. She is 46 years old.My mother is an example of courage, love and commitment.

I am estudying at IBEROTEC the career of Telecomunications Systems, currently, I am in the 2do cycle. I am interested in technology. My big dream is to take the internet to all of Peru I like the music of everething a little. I play the guitar and sampoña. My favorite colour is lime green. My favorite sports are soccer and volleyball. I can espeak Spanish and I am learning English.


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